Then open airflow.cfg under path /opt/airflow/, You will need any text editor like VIM for editing the file.I am trying to create a Dockerfile that copies a python script from my local to a docker container and this python script sets a few environment variables for me as part of the script running. After running containers using docker-compose up, you can execute docker exec -it bash.Why you need change path for dags folder in container ?! but you can do that By, Webserver is not container name, it's for entrypoint, By default entrypoint option in this image is webserver.ĭocker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v /LOCAL_PATH/dags:/usr/local/airflow/dags IMAGE_NAME COMMAND_ENTRYPOINT :/usr/local/airflow/dags this is the standard path for DAGs in this image. Point (1): About puckel/docker-airflow image questions.

Rebuilt all images and docker-compse up the project.I have deleted all my images and containers.AIRFLOW_CORE_DAGS_FOLDER: /opt/airflow/dags.I have tried adding to x-airflow-common environment.Test: ["CMD", "curl", "-fail", " interval: 10sĬondition: service_completed_successfully docker-compose -profile flower up # or by explicitly targeted on the command line e.g. # You can enable flower by adding "-profile flower" option e.g. # Comment the image line, place your Dockerfile in the directory where you placed the docker-compose.yaml # and uncomment the "build" line below, Then run `docker-compose build` to build the images.
#Airflow docker compose upgrade#
Īirflow/Dockerfile FROM apache/airflow:latest-python3.8Īirflow/requirements.txt apache-airflow=2.4.0Īirflow/docker-compose.yml (THIS IS FROM THE OFFICIAL AIRFLOW SITE) - version: '3' x-airflow-common: &airflow-common # In order to add custom dependencies or upgrade provider packages you can use your extended image.
#Airflow docker compose how to#
Airflow in Docker: how to add DAGs to Airflow? All my code COMMANDS docker build -t m圓8. Also non of this answers even gets the file to the folder. I dont what to write commands for it every time. My question ask how to add them automatically. airflow:/usr/local/airflowĢ.edit the dags folder configuration in the airflow configuration file(it do not needs edit by default, as it is under the airflow folder)ģ.every time, check if the dag name appeared by following command:airflow list_dags Webserver: image: puckel/docker-airflow:1.10.0-2. This just plane doesn't pushes my DAGs in to docker docker-compose up -d -buildĪdded the volume but again I dont have a config file generated. I can not put this to the config file because I use docker-compose so I dont get one after the 1st start.

and not just have only the latest added file moved.How to automatically move all DAG files to Airflow Docker.